a selection of clients we have acted for:
Atrial Fibrillation Association - afa.org.uk
Adult Literacy Trust - alt.org.uk
African Wildlife Foundation - awf.org.uk
Birmingham Children's Trust - bct.org.uk
British Furniture Association - bfa.org.uk
Bloodwise - bloodcancer.org.uk
British Psychoanalytic Council - bpc.org.uk
British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry - cdh.org.uk
Oxford CEF - cef.org.uk
Chailey Heritage Foundation - chf.org.uk
Cavendish Learning Trust - clt.org.uk
Community Security Trust - cst.org.uk
Impermanence - death.org.uk
Excel Learning Trust - elt.org.uk
What Works Centre for Children and Families - foundations.org.uk
Gloucestershire Deaf Association - gda.org.uk
Genesis Research Trust - grt.org.uk
Hoffman Foundation for Autism - hfa.org.uk
Innovate CIO - innovate.org.uk
Legal Education Foundation - lef.org.uk
National Induction Panel for Teachers - nta.org.uk
Prostate Cancer Research Centre - pcr.org.uk
Respect - respect.org.uk
St James's of Piccadilly - sjp.org.uk
Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway - steamrailway.org.uk
1Up Foundation - up.org.uk